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Energy considerations and the law of conservation of energy are special: interdisciplinary in nature, they are used in physics, chemistry, biology, and various branches of engineering. These considerations help us better understand the world around us, make predictions, and open up entirely new fields of science and engineering.

The Conservation of Energy video series begins with a general introduction to laws of conservation, then elaborates on various applications of energy considerations. The series is tailored to the context of the Pure and Applied Science programs at the cégep level, but should also be helpful to other science programs, or to get a general understanding at the college level through independent study. A set of exercises linked to the videos allows you to put the theory into practice. A list of definitions provides a quick reference to the specific vocabulary used.

Pedagogical objectives

The materials on this website are designed to help students achieve the following ministerial competency: 

00UR – To analyze various situations and phenomena in physics using the basic principles of classical mechanics.

Offering an alternative source of information to textbooks (which rely heavily on linguistic intelligence), the videos enable students to learn and review at their own pace.

This in turn facilitates a flipped classroom instructional strategy, and helps students understand the interdisciplinary nature of the topic by referring to topics in other courses and disciplines.

Terms of use

The resources offered on this website were designed primarily for the teachers and students in the Québec college network. They can be used only for educational, non-commercial purposes.

We allow sites to post links to our resources, but reproduction, modification, and re-routing to paid sites are strictly prohibited. Reference to the source (Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique) and the web address ( is always mandatory.

Some resources may require authorization for reproduction, and some are subject to specific restrictions. It is the user’s responsibility to check with the CCDMD which conditions apply.

Commercial use

Any use of any resource for commercial purposes requires a specific agreement between the applicant and the CCDMD.

Citation of the source

The user must always cite the authors and source of the resources. For example:

BRACHER, S. (2022). Conservation of Energy. Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD). Retrieved from

For further information, please contact the CCDMD at or 514-873-2200.


Conservation of Energy is a production of the Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD).

Based on an idea developed by Stefan Bracher.

Content development

Pedagogical design
Stefan Bracher, teacher, Vanier College

Scientific review
Phoebe Jackson, teacher, John Abbott College


Writer and narrator
Stefan Bracher, teacher, Vanier College

Direction and sound design
Emanuele Setticasi

Art direction
Laurent Pinabel

Motion design and editing
Francois Genois


Graphic design
Valérie Beaulieu

Web integration
My Little Big Web

Project manager
Michel Hardy-Vallée, CCDMD


Your opinion matters to those who made this digital resource. We invite you to send us your comments on the pedagogical aspects or the design of this product.